Education: A Human Right for Girls
"I believe that female teachers should educate girls...but first, we need to educate our girls so that they can become teachers!"
I Am Malala
Malala Yousafzai was shot in the face on her way to school. Her offense was a deeply personal love of learning accompanied by an equally passionate belief in the right to an education for girls in Pakistan and beyond.
This theme will consider the importance of education for girls as a basic human right through a discussion of the following issues:
- status of girls’ education in Pakistan
- international frameworks to ensure education as a human right for girls
- importance of education and schooling
- challenges unique to educating girls
A supplemental feature for high school teachers appears at the end of this theme.
The resource guide theme can be downloaded at right, and the toolkit theme can be downloaded here.
Individual Activities
In this theme, individual activities will include writing a paper on:
- the role of financial incentives in encouraging school attendance
- Malala’s next speech to the UN General Assembly in which she addresses the status of promoting gender equality and empowering women
Group Activities
Group activities planned around this theme will include:
- a class debate around the issue of states being held accountable for the education of their children and youth beyond primary school
- the writing of a policy brief based on a gender analysis of education in Pakistan